Sauna restaurant Meri is a feel-good restaurant that combines cosy atmosphere, scenery, architecture, Finnish sauna tradition and delicious food. All food is made by hand, from the best ingredients according to the seasons.
Meri Sharing plates-
konseptissamme voit yhdistellä useita ruokalajeja seurueesi kanssa ja maistella erilaisia pieniä ruoka-annoksia. Kokeile vaikkapa jokaisella vierailukerrallasi erilaisia ruokalajeja ja ihastu!
Meri Tasting menu
on 4 tai 5 ruokalajin tasting, johon Michelin- kokkimme Hans Välimäki kokoaa sesongeittain vaihtuvan maistuvan sisällön koko illan kestävälle ruokaelämykselle. Talon viinipaketilla viimeistelet makuelämyksen.
Meri À la carte
listallemme Michelin- kokkimme Hans Välimäki kokoaa sesongeittain vaihtuvan sisällön. Talon viinipaketilla viimeistelet makuelämyksen.
“Uniquely placed over the sea, the restaurant is literally an attraction in itself, but the tranquil restaurant, which is influenced by the traditional European cuisine and embodies classic cooking skills, will specialize in fish, seafood and vegetables, as well as quality meats. The novel restaurant is indeed already labeled as “the pearl and flagship of Vaasa”. Meri hosts an informal atmosphere, where mouth-watering food and refreshing drinks form bouquets, naturally accompanied with cordial continental service every day of the week. The completely new restaurant, situated in the inner harbor, also includes a bar and 600-seat outdoor terraces.”
“We are extremely eager and proud of our new project that will bring the Vaasa region to a new level in the international tourist industry. The whole region should be pleased with our new experience-based concept! We will make the Meri concept known internationally and hopefully welcome many international tourists in the coming years. But the people of Vaasa also get access to unique experiences close to the sea. We have invested profoundly in wellness services for adults and offer spa and sauna experiences all year round.
Meri means sea in Finnish. We chose the name to pay tribute to the proximity to the sea, the history of the region and the Ostrobothnian World Heritage Site. Kvarken’s world natural heritage area is a prominent feature in our interior design, both in the sauna department and in the restaurant.”
– Tommi Mäki, CEO
Sauna restaurant Meri offers tailor-made meeting solutions for both private and business groups, entirely according to your wishes. Feel free to get in touch and we will plan the perfect event together. Only the sky – or the sea – sets the limits!
MERI Sauna Restaurant
Kirjastonkatu 1, 65100 Vaasa
Customer service
Restaurant Manager:
Marika Ketola
045 1509540
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